“SHOW LOW, Ariz. (July 1, 2020) – On June 28, the City Council held a special meeting to discuss issuing an emergency proclamation to provide clarity regarding requirements for businesses and face coverings. After listening to opinions expressed by several residents and after lengthy discussion, the City Council voted unanimously to approve a motion allowing Mayor Daryl Seymore to issue an emergency proclamation. The proclamation asks all businesses to follow the requirements for businesses, including restaurants and bars, as outlined by the Executive Orders of the Governor.
All businesses are required to follow the requirements of public health officials, limit large gatherings on their premises, and mitigate the potential for transmission by sanitizing their place of business. Restaurants and bars are required to have their employees wear face coverings when interacting with the public. In addition, businesses have the right to implement stricter requirements than what was ordered by the Governor. Businesses are encouraged to promote the use of pick-up services and drive-through services and should require social distancing or wearing of face coverings if social distancing cannot be maintained. City staff will disseminate information to businesses in reference to the Governor’s orders to educate them regarding the requirements and measures to be taken to follow these orders.
The emergency proclamation issued by the Mayor, which took effect on Wednesday, July 1, provides exceptions for when face coverings are not required, for example, those who cannot wear one due to a medical or mental health condition or developmental disability, children under six years of age, restaurant patrons while dining, or for anyone who has trouble breathing or is otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance. Citizens are asked to respect others’ decisions regarding wearing face coverings.
We ask that everyone continue to follow social distancing guidelines, wash and sanitize your hands regularly, avoid touching your face, and stay home if you are sick. If we are vigilant, we can slow and contain the spread of COVID-19. We ask all to make the effort to follow the requirements put in place by the Governor’s order, for which further clarification can be found at https://azgovernor.gov/governor/news/2020/06/governor-ducey-announces-enhanced-covid-19-action-plan.”